Organic Processing and Trade Association

Sustainable EU Food Systems – Sustainability labelling

Brussels, 31.05.2022

― Key messages ―

  • Coexistence of the organic logo with other sustainability labels/logos may create confusion and erode consumers’ confidence in the organic standard.  Instead of creating competing schemes, we propose that any future EU sustainable food standard should build upon the well-recognized organic one.
  • In its current form, the EU Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) seems inappropriate to assess the environmental performance of EU agricultural products.
  •  Methodologies to measure the environmental performance of agri-foodstuffs should be consistent with existing DG AGRI’s schemes on environmentally sustainable food & farming practices, stemming from the Farm to Fork Strategy.

Read the whole Position Paper here.

For any enquiry, please contact:

Aurora Abad
Managing Director OPTA Europe
Tel:+32 (0)495 28 18 72