Organic Processing and Trade Association

OPTA EU Vision and Values document


The Organic Processing and Trade Association Europe (OPTA) is the voice of organic trade and processing companies operating in the European Union and beyond. Our mission is to add value to the products of organic farmers and to supply a growing consumer demand for high quality organic products. To achieve this aim, we are cooperating closely with all participants of the supply chain and the European legislative bodies. We recognize the fundamental role of the organic farmers who represent the starting points for an organic product life cycle.
Organic Agriculture and the organic food system is a success story. Organic production is (almost) self-sufficient. Organic agriculture is based on natural cycles and follows the concept that a production process respectful of the environment and of people will result into healthy and added value products.
The Organic farming, trading and processing practices and values followed by all OPTA members are firmly based on IFOAM world principles.
OPTA EU members believe that the goal should be to consider each single principle in all the sector of the chain. All the Organic Companies involved in OPTA EU need to apply all principles in their business.

The whole set of principles is respected and put into practice at the different stages of the chain, trying to avoid the tendency to focus only on one or more of them in relation to the single daily activity.
In order to do this OPTA EU members undertake to consider the entire product life cycle and to analyse each situations of its own business with the 4 principles lens:

The success of organic food and farming demonstrate that caring about the health of and the respect for people and the environment are necessary to deal with the topics we face. The engagement of the companies in delivering public goods and ensure a sustainable production is built on the recognition of the following elements OPTA Circle of Deliverables of the Organic Sector:HOW WE WORK
OPTA is a platform where companies can meet and exchange with other European actors, bringing together all the know-how in order to find long-term and sustainable solutions for a prosperous development of the organic sector.
OPTA is a committed community looking for harmonized approaches, guaranteeing the respect of the organic principles and striving for a level playing field between operators at EU level.
Furthermore, OPTA is a hub connecting not only its members, but for all relevant actors of the organic sector proposing solid and inclusive solutions.

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