OPTA acknowledges the great Commission’s effort in favor of the Organic Sector
Brussels, March ‘21
The Organic and Processing Trade Association Europe welcomes the publication of the Commission’s 23-points Organic Action Plan 2021-2027.
OPTA EU supports Commission’s ambitious aim to accelerate the development of the organic sector in Europe. The plan will boost the production and consumption of organic products, in order to reach 25% of agricultural land under organic farming by 2030, in line with the EU’s Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies. OPTA is totally committed to pursuing the 25% goal together with all its members.
Organic farming responds to the growing societal demand for quality food produced at high environmental and animal welfare standards. It can contribute to the protection of nature and help reverse the degradation of ecosystems and it is an important tool in the fight against the growing Climate crisis, and this is reflected in the 23 action points.
OPTA welcomes in particular the action-points focusing on a demand driven approach with substantial budget for promotions and organic in the public procurement as well as the need to stimulate the EU countries to make national organic action plans
The Organic Action Plan will help consumers, farmers, business operators, national governments and local authorities to reach the target driving investment and innovation in sustainable farming, responding to increased consumer’s interest in organic food while boosting the demand for organic food.
Bavo van den Idsert, OPTA EU Association Manager said that: “we welcome the demand driven approach and the focus on national organic plans for each EU member states. What we miss are instruments to create a level- playing filed between sustainable organic and cost-efficient production that externalizes costs to biodiversity, climate, animal welfare and human health. The polluter principle should be applied to really stimulate sustainable and healthy organic production”
Download here the press release
Here you can find OPTA Farm to Fork Action plan for a successful transition to 25% organic in 2030
Here the Commission’s Action Plan