Our agenda:
Welcome – Stefan Hipp, President of Organic Processing and Trade Association – OPTA EU
Part I: How can organic contribute to the green transition of Europe?
OPTA in Dialogue with Politics
The EU Commission has opened a new horizon with the European Green Deal to fulfil important aims for climate, biodiversity, health and fair competition. National Governments are required to set up organic action plans. Organic food and farming have been recognized as a method for change with the 25% organic aim in 2030. But is this enough? Is it possible to transfer to 100% organic in the near future? How can politics efficiently support the pathways to a more organic food and farming system in the EU?
Keynote Speech “The European Green Deal – An Organic Deal?”
Mr. Janusz Wojciechowski, European Commissioner Food and Farming
Keynote Speech “How EU Politics can help political goals to become implemented”
Ms. Elsi Katainen, Member of the European Parliament
Keynote Speech “What can organic enterprises contribute to the green ambitions of the EU?” Mr. Jan Groen, CEO GreenOrganics
Panel Debate with the Key-note speakers – Moderation Mr. Bavo van den Idsert, OPTA Europe
Lunch Break
Part II: How can science and organic companies contribute to the green transition of Europe? Scientific Findings, Entrepreneurial Concepts and Sustainable Ideas
Organic operators and companies are working from day to day to increase the organic market. How do they contribute to the transformation of the overall food system and what are their challenges? What do science and entrepreneurs think about the interrelation between organic and green transition? And how can the interaction between the Organic Action Plan and organic companies be optimized?
Welcome Part II – Bavo van den Idsert, Managing Director of OPTA EU
Keynote Speech: “Which levers to lift for an organic/agroecological Europe by 2050?”
Pierre-Marie Aubert, Coordinator European Agriculture Initiative at Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI)
Keynote Speech “The Horizon Europe Partnership on Agroecology and Living Labs. What’s the role for the organic sector?” – Miguel DePorras, FiBL Europe
Keynote Speech: “The needs of EU civilians” – Mute Schimpf – Friends of the Earth Europe
Panel Debate with industry representatives – Moderation Mr. Alexander Beck, AöL e.V.
OPTA/Business Representatives
Gunther Weiss – Alnatura
Marco Santori – Alce Nero
Christian Geis – Lebensbaum
Wrap up and conclusions – Bavo van den Idsert, Managing Director of OPTA
End of Event at 14:30