OPTA is the voice of leading organic processing and trade industry in Europe.
We promote the ideas, innovations and policies that encompass the ambitious European goal to increase organic food and farming to at least 25% in 2030.
Current Highlights

BIOFACH EVENTS – Innovative solutions for traceability and fraud prevention in organic
This panel will look at the topic of organic integrity from the perspective of innovative solutions: track-and-trace technology and authentication solutions to protect the supply chain (Yacao, Organic Services GmbH,…

BIOFACH EVENTS – Deforestation-free products: Regulatory efforts & business compliance (co-organized with US Organic Trade Association)
This panel discussion will explore international policy and regulatory efforts to reduce deforestation. The discussion will include representatives from multinational companies (Pronatec, Tradin Organic) who will share their perspective on…
Relevance of Organic
By producing high quality food with low negative impacts on environment and health, organic standards play an essential role in developing a sustainable food system for the European Union.
Organic products contribute to the protection of the environment and the climate, the long-term fertility of the soil, high levels of biodiversity, a non-toxic environment for consumer health and high animal welfare standards.
This relies on the fact that the organic scheme does not allow the use chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilisers. In addition, the use of GMOs and ionising radiation is prohibited and the use of antibiotics is severely restricted.

The benefits of the organic scheme are well recognized by the Green Deal’s Farm to Fork strategy, which set a target of ‘at least a quarter of the EU’s agricultural land under organic farming by 2030’.
To achieve this ambitious target, an EU Organic Action Plan has been put in place. It includes actions to stimulate the demand, to ensure consumer trust and to reinforce the entire value chain.